The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 – )

  • Adam Chodzko / The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 - )
  • Adam Chodzko / The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 - )
  • The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 – )
    Digital tool using AI as website, and socially engaged participatory process

    A 5 minute exploration of The Dreamshare Seer tool.


    Launched during the full moon of 24.4.’24, The Dreamshare Seer is a new, free to use, non-commercial, art project.  It works with any selected community’s nocturnal dreams.  Using generative AI to translate their dream descriptions into visual animations for them, these dream visualisations are then shared with a wider public.

    The Dreamshare Seer is a long-term, process-based, participatory project initially created with the inhabitants of the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, UK.

    The project begins by making a tool, that uses generative Artificial Intelligence, (via smart phones/home computers), to visualise and animate, through text to image diffusion models, the extraordinary imaginations of its entire community as manifested through their nocturnal dreams, then described by them through simple story-telling processes.  Through this interaction we hope to activate, democratise and make accessible dreaming’s amazing, involuntary, nocturnal creativity.

    Ultimately, the live visual archives of these gathered dreams – this dream commons – will be publicly exhibited on the Isle of Sheppey via an interactive projected screen image using gaming technology.  Through this screening the public can explore the screen-based visualisations of the island community’s nocturnal dreams, gathered in a ‘cloud’, apparently floating visually above the island.  Machine Learning will reveal commonalities between dreams – clustering them around certain dreamt characters, objects, moods or events – creating a new and dynamic network of unconscious connections between individuals and communities.  We can discover if, for instance, a green fox is making its appearance in multiple dreams from multiple people living in the same area!

    As the project evolves, and as the community trains the AI,  we will create one collective dream visualisation for the island’s inhabitants, the synthesis of all their dream contributions arranged into one dream;  The Isle of Sheppey’s dream!

    Dream Theory on Sheppey – Martin Herbert 2024 .pdf

  • Adam Chodzko / The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 - )
  • Adam Chodzko / The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 - )
  • Adam Chodzko / The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 - )
  • Adam Chodzko / The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 - )
  • Adam Chodzko / The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 - )
  • Adam Chodzko / The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 - )
  • Adam Chodzko / The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 - )
  • Adam Chodzko / The Dreamshare Seer  (2023 - )