Sing the Song of the Trepizate (2020)
Ink and crayon on paper
387mm x 564mm
‘Sing the Song of the Trepizate’ uses the act of drawing – making a body – hand and arm – and pigments act out a performance, indelibly embedding the passage of this performance onto a two dimensional surface, of paper. The body is attempting to inhabit an atmosphere, or a mood generated from a glimpse of something from within a hypnagogic state, before it slips away. But the drawing ‘speaks’, telling us its name and what we might do together!
‘Sing the Song of the Trepizate’ depicts something like…a marker in the landscape, a scarecrow, organs, a weaving spool, a filter or snare. See also: Meetings of people with stammers to describe a fire (1999 – ongoing), the weaving forms in jengkuan (2023) and the structures of Mask Filters; (eg: Mask Filter (2013). As representing a form which channels perception, see; Thru hole I blind/O/Thru hole oui see (2020).
‘Sing the Song of the Trepizate’ is a form of image moderator.